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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bullying Forum Part 3: Dealing with the Bullies

Heyya Chicks!

In order to deal with bulling you should do two things. The first step is to build self confidence to prevent bullies from thinking that you are a potential target and the second one is to learn how to be assertive in order to prevent them from bulling you.
If you noticed how bullies pick their targets you will always realize that they pick up people who appear to be weaker than them.
Assertive communication can help you appear much stronger and in control. This may be enough to stop the bully from bullying you as he will not think of you as a potential bullying target.
The bully always believes that he is stronger than his target if you can prove him wrong then he might never bully you again. You can do this by being assertive and by using assertive body language gestures.
At the same time building self confidence will prevent his comments from having any impact on your mood.
I know that this might not be as simple as it sounds but its certainly a surefire way for dealing with bullying if you were patient enough to apply it.
Self confidence and bullying

►Lately new studies claimed that most bullies don't lack confidence and that they bully others for other reasons. The people who supported these studies said that bullying happens because the bully gets raised in a family that teaches him that violence is the best way to solve his problems.
►While their findings seem logical still they didn't explain why do bullies bully others even if they gain nothing out of it. The proper conclusion we can make is that bully is trying to full fill a certain psychological need through his actions.
►Yes a bully might have learned that violence is the best way to solve his problems but he won't use this violence unless he is facing some problems (like finding himself unpopular for example).
So that's it! It's the end of our Bullying Forum hope its informative enough to help you! For more Forum topics just Check Brit Chicks Central always! :)

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